Sunday, November 11, 2007


a BIG thank you to WINT AND ALLISON for opening their home for our class get-together yesterday!!! the weather was great and everyone had such a good time!

Sunday, November 4th Prayer Requests

Jenny & Shan~ Shan flying out....will be gone til Thursday. Shan's uncle passed away

Brie & TC~ TC's mom had reconstruction done. She also had her gallbladder removed.

Jenny & Cory~ Mom: strep. fever. sick from effects of chemo. is in the hospital.

Christy & Clay~ sister, Brittney, having problems with pregnancy - is due at the end of December/early January...... Mom is still doing o.k. - seems stable...... Found out that her dad remarried.

Tommy & Suzanne~ Wachovia having some downsizing - does not affect our family, but does affect people Tommy knows.

Jill & Patrick~ Jill is looking for a job!

Chasity & Brad~ Chasity's brother, Van, is having shoulder surgery

Mary & Lee~ Mary's sister/brother-in-law having marriage problems

~Donna & Danny Soliz~ Donna's mother, Loyce Sherwood
~Susan Brown~
~Mission Team in Turkey~