Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prayer Request from Kimberly and Paul

i got this on e-mail.....

"we just got word today that one of our good friend's sister in st. louis had turned up missing last thursday, and was found saturday night. her name is dora magrath, she was a 22 year old college student. i've heard suicide, but i'm not sure. we know our friend (and probably her husband) are not Christians, so we need to remember this as well, that they will start to question their own hearts through this. thanks.
paul, kimberly, and ruby"


Just wanted to update you so that you will be praying up!

Chasity will be having surgery TOMORROW - Friday, February 29th.

Please be in prayer for her, Brad, and their families, as well as the doctors/nurses/etc.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes!

o.k. so now that i have that song in my head from Shrek, here's the CHANGE!



1:00 PM

(not at the address previously listed...)


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Prayer Request

i am sorry that i don't have sunday's prayer requests....we were out of town.

chasity called tonight and asked us to pray for her. she had a colonoscopy yesterday and a polyp was found that was too large to remove during the procedure, so she will be having surgery next week.

she was about to go back to work (since sanders was born) and will now be off an additional 5 weeks or so.

please pray that they are able to remove the polyp and that everything goes well!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What do you think?

o.k. so since NOBODY leaves comments on this (you can leave them anonymous and just put your name at the end of the comment so i know who you are - you don't HAVE to have an account!!!), let's see who all really reads this.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU READ OUR LIFEGROUP BLOG!!!!! if nobody is reading, this isn't exactly a very effective way to get news out, you know? but for us, it's the easiest and quickest way to keep everybody up to date!!!!!


Sunday, February 17, 2008


FICTION: You have to go around the world to serve in missions!

FACT: You can be involved in Jackson with your only cost being your time and your gas!!!

As most of you know, our church - and our class - does work down at George Elementary School. Last week some of our class went down to help with a Valentine's Day party. Lee shared some of the thank you notes with us this morning that children had given him.

These children need us to be there to mentor them and to tell them about Jesus!

Please e-mail if you want to know more information or have a specific question. If I dont' know the answer, I will find out!!!


Baby Shower for Brie Clark

Saturday, March 1st
1:00 p.m.

501 Pinebrook Cove
Brandon, Mississippi 39047

From Lakeland Drive or Spillway Road, turn onto Hugh Ward Boulevard. Turn into the "Pinebrook East" subdivision. 501 Pinebrook Cove is on the corner one block past the stop sign.

Brie is registered at Wal-Mart, Target, and Babies-R-Us


WHAT??? class fellowship

WHEN??? saturday, feb 23rd
5:00 p.m.

WHERE??? mississippi coliseum

OTHER INFO??? concert: Jam Tour '08
Mercy Me, Skillet, Barlow Girls, Mandisa, and others...
$10 at the door

Sunday, February 17th Prayer Requests

jenny & cory~
jenny's mom is in a medically induced coma. the anti-rejection medicine (they think) caused her kidneys to start shutting down. dialysis has started and they were able to remove 2 liters of fluid. today is day 11 (the drs had said that they could start trying to take her off of the anti-rejection medicine after day 10 if her counts were up). her counts have not come up, so she has to stay on the anti-rejection medicine. jenny's mom is barbara forrest.

lori & kris~
lori's dad went home this week. is still on a lot of meds.

lee ann & kyle~
kyle's best friend's (will tony) mom has been sent home with a terminal illness. kyle says that she has about a week left.

mary & lee~
mary is sick!!!!!

lisa & geno~
nathan's hand - he hurt it in a basketball game yesterday.

brie & tc~
brie's mother-in-law's husband is losing his job at the end of the month. 10 people are living with brie & tc right now. brie's father-in-law flew (was very fearful of flying) - the plane was struck by lightning and had to have an emergency landing.

kimberly & paul~
ruby starts daycare tomorrow! kimberly's grandfather is in the ER right now.....

mindy & denny~
her brother is in the marines and is being sent to columbia for 1 year (had originally thought it would only be 6 months)

suzanne & tommy~
suzanne's mom having surgery on tuesday

jenny & shan~
jenny's mom is taking a shot for hepatitis. she has to take the shot EVERY day. if it helps, she will need to take it every day for a year. the shot has side effects similar to the flu.

~deployed soldiers (including jessica spears and michael farhart)
~patsy & glen castle - patsy fighting renal cell carcinoma. she has had fluid drained off of her lungs and now has some clots in her lungs and a bleeding kidney. pray for their grown children: brad, caroline, and lindy.

from jessica

i got this from jessica on valentine's day and thought i'd put it on here!!!


Sunday, February 10th Prayer Requests

here are last week's prayer requests............i promise to put today's up before i go to bed tonight.....

jenny & cory~
jenny's mom's transplant was done on 2-5-08. she was sick (weak, etc), but that was to be expected. jenny said that she will be in isolation for a few weeks

lori & kris~
lori's dad fell off of scaffolding (kris' dad did the same thing 3 years ago). pray for healing!!

lee ann & kyle~
a friend of their's was pregnant with twins that had to be taken at 29 weeks.

ashley & kurt~
ashley's brother, will, had a wreck, but is o.k.

~please remember jessica spears, michael farhart, and others deployed in our prayers!!!
~glen & patsy castle as patsy fights cancer