Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sunday, July 27th Prayer Requests

Jenny & Cory~ Jenny's mom is at home now, receiving platelets and a chemo shot weekly

Roger & Wendy ~Roger's Uncle Joe in hospital

Demetria & Kevin ~Trying to sell house; her brother is interviewing locally for a job, she wants him to seek God's direction and not just take the first opportunity

Jessica ~ friend lost 9 month old baby

Shan & Jenny ~ Shan's truck stolen

Tommy & Suzanne ~ Suzanne's uncle passed away Thursday

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just a few years ago....

FOUR years ago this past may, to be exact, this was most of our lifegroup.


how things change........

The Girls
back: suzanne barnette, jan haas, haley teague
front: holly mccoy, kecia ray, robin holliday, lisa lucas

The Boys
back: tommy barnette, geno lucas, harry holliday
front: corey ray, will haas, neal mccoy, ben teague

The Crew:
back: suzanne and tommy barnette; nathan, geno, lisa, and jonathan lucas
middle: corey and kecia ray; holly and neal mccoy
front: haley, ben, and campbell teague; landon, jan, and will haas; robin, lily, and harry holliday

Our fearelss leader???

i meant to add this last week, but had checked the e-mail at work and didn't have time. our very own WINT MCGEE took this master portrait in class and sent it to me. just thought i'd show off his talent! he is available for portrait appointments - if interested, please leave a comment!

Updated Breakfast Schedule

i have updated the breakfast schedule to the right!!!

so far, we have signed up through the end of september (the end of the 3rd quarter!) - and the only open weekend is AUGUST 31ST. if you want this weekend, please post a comment and i will add it.
~~keep in mind: you will be signing up for labor day weekend~~

Sunday, July 20th Prayer Requests

Lori Vick--Going to Wisconsin for work (She HATES to fly!); her mother lost her job

Lisa Lucas--May be having car troubles, the "check engine" light came on

The McGee's--Sick baby

The Ray's--Sick baby

Mindy Cobb--Denny's out of town for work

Shan Winstead--Grandma is at CMMC with recently diagnosed brain tumor

The Morris'--daughter is having dizzy spells, CAT Scan was clear though.

Tommy Barnette--Grandfather hospitalized

***special thanks to brie for sending these to me. my uncle passed away last week, so wednesday-sunday (yesterday), we were completely out of pocket!***