Friday, January 25, 2008

Sunday, January 20th Prayer Requests, Etc!

Jenny & Cory~
jenny's mom did well with chemo, but her counts are down. CORY & JENNY ARE HAVING A BOY!!!!!!! parker cole winders

Lori & Kris~
lori's oldest sister was saved last sunday (13th)

Erin & Mike~
had something scary happen with erin - erin is still concerned with the pregnancy even though the doctor told her the baby is fine. pray for a healthy baby!

Corey & Kecia~
corey had a wreck, but is o.k. kecia going for job interview on monday (21st)!

Tommy & Suzanne~
tommy's step-sister's little boy, layton, was bit this week by a raccoon

Jenny & Shan~
jenny's mom has hepatitis and is on interferon. she is very sick right now.

Lisa & Geno~
they have a water leak under the house, but it is covered by the home warranty!!!!! also pray for lisa's brother, michael, who is at boot camp.

1/25-1/26: REWIRED MEN'S EVENT!!!
at CHBC - pay when you get there!!!! jackson academy football coach joey hawkins is going to be leading. call the church office (956-5000) for info. pay at the door!!!

FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP: for women, sorry men....
starts 1/25!!! 9:00.

~~~~a note from me.....
sorry that this is just now getting posted - we lost my book (sunday night was crazy - ask me in person if you want to know) - and i just found it!

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