Sunday, March 30, 2008


Moms - and - More
Monday, March 31st
7:00 p.m.

Speaker: Jamie Ransier

~~*You won't want to miss this*~~

Bible Drive
April 19th and 20th
Bring extra Bibles that you have or go buy new ones (they sell them at the dollar tree!). PLEASE put $1 in the front of each Bible to help with the cost of shipping. Per Geno, these will be shipped all over the world!

~~*you can also drop off other Christian books and literature*~~

Package for Jessica
please bring items for a care package for "our" soldier to Emily King. Jessica has specifically asked for socks (size 8) and they need to be tall enough to come up in her boots. we can always get lotions, fingernail polishes, etc., too. and the men are wanting mach3 razors.

~~*e-mail if you have any other questions*~~

don't forget to be doing your daily (with 2 days off!!!) study of For Women Only! this is going to help us to be the wives that our husbands need us to be!!!!!

Sunday, March 30th Prayer Requests

Suzanne & Tommy~
tommy is having knee surgery (torn meniscus and possible torn acl) on friday.

Chasity & Brad~
chasity is doing well and thanked everyone for praying for her during the past few weeks. she is having an ultrasound tomorrow to check the spot on her liver.

Susan & Bob~
having a baby girl this thursday!

Christy & Clay~
moving on april 19th - pray for their house to sell! having another open house this afternoon and it is the last one before they have to list with a realtor. also, christy's sister, amy, is having heart issues already and is 21 weeks pregnant. keep her husband in your prayers, too!

Brie & T.C.~
brie's sister gave up a child for adoption when she was 14 and has been contacted about reconciliation

Kimberly & Paul~
friends going through IVF have a dog who has cancer (the husband is VERY attached to this pet). paul does not think that either of them are saved.

Lisa & Geno~
traveling this week for lisa's brother's graduation from boot camp.

Lori & Kris~
lori's parents still looking for a home

Joanna & John~
a friend (assistant district attorney) is 27 weeks pregnant and has been put on bedrest.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

From Bob & Susan

"Susan's father passed away early this morning. Please pray for Susan and the family. "

this was sent on friday, march 14th.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


o.k. everybody......

next Sunday (MARCH 16TH), we will be collecting things to send to jessica again. she has specifically said that she needs SOCKS. so i'm sure if she needs them, others do, too, so it doesn't matter if we get too many - we'll send them anyway!!!

e-mail if you need more info on what to send!


here are a few things that will be going on that everyone needs to know about!

~~*PALM SUNDAY (March 16th)*~~
6:00 p.m.
P/33 will present
Power of the Cross
you won't want to miss this!!!

services at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00
the 9:30 service is typically the most packed, so if you can come another hour, it would be great.

~~*Geno and Lisa will be out of town on March 16th (m-i-c. k-e-y. m-o-u-s-e). Scott will be teaching in Geno's abscence*~~

Saturday, March 29th
Plan to go to Geno & Lisa's house sometime that morning (10-11ish) for just us ladies to get together to pray before we start "For Men Only" and "For Women Only". More information to come on this!!!

~~*"For Men Only" and "For Women Only"*~~
this 6-8 week series will begin the sunday after Easter. you won't want to miss it!!!!!

Sunday, March 9th Prayer Requests

kecia & corey~
traveling this week - going to las vegas (with corey's work...). leaving tomorrow and will be back next saturday. madilyn will be here with her grandmother...

denny & mindy~
mindy's mom will be having gallbladder surgery tomorrow. pray for a quick recovery - mindy's dad had a stroke several years ago and her mom is his primary caregiver.

jenny & cory~
jenny's mom's counts are in the normal range! but her kidneys are still not functioning on their own. they need the kidneys to start working so that she can start eating more so that she can go home!!!

chasity & brad~
chasity is getting better! still sore and a little weak.

adelle & jeremy~
adelle's parents are moving this week to their new house in lake caroline. they are moving from a house that they have lived in since adelle was 5 - so this is hard emotionally!

mary & lee~
lee will be back next sunday

david & brandi~
traveling this week