Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, March 30th Prayer Requests

Suzanne & Tommy~
tommy is having knee surgery (torn meniscus and possible torn acl) on friday.

Chasity & Brad~
chasity is doing well and thanked everyone for praying for her during the past few weeks. she is having an ultrasound tomorrow to check the spot on her liver.

Susan & Bob~
having a baby girl this thursday!

Christy & Clay~
moving on april 19th - pray for their house to sell! having another open house this afternoon and it is the last one before they have to list with a realtor. also, christy's sister, amy, is having heart issues already and is 21 weeks pregnant. keep her husband in your prayers, too!

Brie & T.C.~
brie's sister gave up a child for adoption when she was 14 and has been contacted about reconciliation

Kimberly & Paul~
friends going through IVF have a dog who has cancer (the husband is VERY attached to this pet). paul does not think that either of them are saved.

Lisa & Geno~
traveling this week for lisa's brother's graduation from boot camp.

Lori & Kris~
lori's parents still looking for a home

Joanna & John~
a friend (assistant district attorney) is 27 weeks pregnant and has been put on bedrest.

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