Thursday, April 24, 2008

Prayer Requests from this week....

since we didn't get to do prayer requests, here are some that have come by e-mail (and then our own...)

from tommy and suzanne:
mary peyton fell saturday and had to have a staple put in the back of her head! pray for us friday when we go to get it out. also, please remember the family of patsy castle - she went home to be with the Lord on 4-16-08.

from kimberly and paul:
Here it goes:
1. The couple that Paul mentioned going through the in-vitro procedure found out that it did not work. Shortly after that they had to put their dog down. Pray that they get through this hard time.
2. I have been diagnosed with Graves Disease and will have my thyroid killed radioactively this coming week. Ruby will be staying with the grandparents while I am toxic. So, pray it goes smoothly and with no side effects!
Kimberly Buford

from dan and jennifer lynch:
Hey guys,Hope everything's going well! A couple of things: My dad has had a couple of kidney stones for about 2 years, and one moved on Saturday. Monday morning they crushed it and everything was successful! But he is still really weak so just pray that he continues to pass the remains of the stone with little pain and that he will regain his strength soon. My mom is being marked today for radiation and will actually start radiation tomorrow. She'll go every weekday morning for about 6 weeks. We hope there will be no adverse effects. Visiting the church in Bogalusa was really great on Sunday, and we'll find out about that in a couple of weeks!Thanks for your prayers, Jennifer Lynch

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