Tuesday, July 31, 2007


the service for meredith will be at 2:00 on thursday. i could not get the directions to the church to post right, so please e-mail lucaslifegroup@hotmail.com if you need directions and i can forward them to you.

please continue to lift up jill and patrick at this time.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Taylor Grace Easley

Jill wanted me to share these pictures with everyone.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Prayer request from Jan Haas

some of you know will and jan haas, but some do not. will and jan helped start the lucas lifegroup several years ago. they moved away in the fall of 2004. they have 2 boys - landon (almost 4 years old) and nelson (turned 1 on may 2nd - also jan's birthday!). she sent a prayer request for me to share with everyone. the picture below is old - from december 2006. but it is the best one i have of mary peyton and her tennessee boys!

Hey everybody,
We still miss you guys so much! Thank you for including us in your class.I do have a prayer request. You may remember almost four years ago my friend, Julie, had a stillbirth. We were pregnant at the same time, and she lost her babyat 39 weeks. She got pregnant again last year and had a miscarriage. She has remained faithful to the Lord, but has had emotional struggles as you can imagine. She is about 9 weeks pregnant now, so I ask you to say a special prayer for her that she will have a safe pregnancy and bring this baby home. What a joy that would be!!!Thanks so much. Come see us.
love, Jan and Will

Sunday, July 29 Prayer Requests

Jill & Patrick~
Jill is home. She and Patrick are going to the hospital several times/day for her to feed Taylor, who is still in the NICU (she has a condition that is kind of like sleep apnea in adults). She will have to be in the NICU until at least Friday or Saturday. Arrangements for Meredith are incomplete, but Geno thinks that the memorial may be this Friday.

Blake Rylan Grammar was born last night at River Oaks around 7:00. He weighed 5 lb. 14 oz. Pray for Brendy as she cares for Blake by herself.

Joanna & John~
John's grandmother has leukemia and is not doing well. She is not taking chemo because of her diabetic condition.

Demetria & Kevin~
Kevin's mom (Gay) will be having surgery in the morning.

Dan & Jennifer~
Dan's brother, Robbie, is agnostic. Robbie & his wife did have the Christian ceremony when they were married (got married at the justice of the peace). Robbie is 10 years older than Dan.

Brad & Jennilee~
Jennilee is traveling. Brad's brother/sister-in-law are selling everything they have and moving to New Zeland.

Susan & David~
Susan is not feeling well.

Ann Elizabeth~
Her grandfather has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She said that it is pretty much all over his body. Her dad is having a hard time with this.

Clay & Christy~
Laura Grace is at home. They think that this was a relapse of what she went through in March (high fevers, etc.) and that hopefully everything is better now.

His job. Has had an offer for a different position with Regions/AmSouth.

Roger & Wendy~
Friends going through some serious marital problems.

-Peggy Brown~had a heart stint put in
-Larry (friend of Geno & Roger)~is going through a divorce. He did graduate from paramedic school

Juan & Alisha~

Monday, July 23, 2007


Taylor Grace Easley was born today around 1:45 (per Geno). She weighed 5 lbs. 6 oz.

Funeral arrangements for Meredith Mae Easley are incomplete, but Geno thinks that it will be later this week in North Mississippi.

Please keep Jill and Patrick in your prayers. I cannot imagine the emotional rollercoaster they are on right now.

Also, Brendy is in River Oaks Hospital (room #286). She is having gallbladder problems, but does not need to have surgery until after the baby comes! She is due August 23.

I will do a list of prayer requests from yesterday when Geno e-mails them to me!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Daddy has to brag!

Nathan caught more fish than anyone on the boat today... including this monster!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello from the beach

Hey everybody!! I hope everyone is doing good. We had a great day yesterday even with a pretty major storm coming through around noon. Last night we had dinner with my life long friend, Warren and his family. It has really been about 10 years since we have been around his kids much and I really feel old now. Allison, his oldest, will be 21 this year... in my mind she is still this little 7 year old who was in our wedding but then she walked in last night and is all grown up and... well let's just say I have thanked God once again that I don't have daughters! Well I just wanted to say hi to everyone... In Him, Geno

Monday, July 16, 2007

Sunday, July 15 Prayer Requests

~John & Joanna - John's brother. He walked out of rehab and is having a hard time realizing what HE really is. Pray for their mom as she struggles with what he is going through.

~Jesica & Damon - custody issues. Also, some people from Damon's unit are about to be deployed.

~Suzanne & Tommy - Ethan Greer (2 1/2 year old son of a friend). Tumor on his kidney - has been sent to St. Jude in Memphis. Will undergo surgery to remove this kidney and then have chemo. A customer of Tommy's, Mr. Sullivan, had a heart attack on the way to work. Please pray for his family as they deal with this sudden loss.

~Brendy - her pregnancy. Also, she has a cousin who is 24 that is battling colon cancer.

~Emily & Jeff - her sister & brother in law are separated. Emily is encouraging them to have counsiling.

~Chasity & Brad - her parents are traveling this week (their 35th anniversary).

~Jill & Patrick - continue to pray for Taylor and Meredith as they grow. pray for Jill as she is on bedrest. pray for Patrick as he continues to take care of Jill.

~Remember to pray for our church & the staff, our country & it's leaders, and each other.

Monday Monday...

O.k. this isn't Geno...he's laying up on the beach soaking up rays (or rain - not sure). This is Suzanne. I have had a blog for our family for several months and enjoy keeping it up, so I told Geno that I will be in charge of our class blog! I've made a few changes to what he had originally done and still have a few more things to do when I get home (this is my lunch hour).

One different thing is that I am going to list prayer requests that were named on Sunday. Throughout the week, if there is something else that needs to be added, send an e-mail to lucaslifegroup@hotmail.com and I can go back and edit the prayer requests. This way, we have 1 list of prayer requsts for each week. Just seems easier.

I am going to add music to the site! I've got a music player on my blog and it's nice to sometimes just sit and listen. SO.....if there are specific songs that you want to hear, send it to the above e-mail address!!

ALSO....several people in the class have blogs. I am going to put a link to those blogs over in the right hand column. So if you have a blog and I don't know it....send an e-mail to the above address!

Hope you all have a great week and I hope that this is a place that you can connect even more with our class!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Prayer Requests

Use the "comments" section to add items we need to be praying about.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Our First Post

I can not begin to tell each of you what an honor it is to serve as your leader each week. You are more of a blessing than you will ever know. I want us to use this blog to stay even better informed about each other and our needs. So please try it out... post a comment or two... if you have any ideas we can certainly try to incorporate them.

Give it a run and let's see how it works.
