Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday, July 29 Prayer Requests

Jill & Patrick~
Jill is home. She and Patrick are going to the hospital several times/day for her to feed Taylor, who is still in the NICU (she has a condition that is kind of like sleep apnea in adults). She will have to be in the NICU until at least Friday or Saturday. Arrangements for Meredith are incomplete, but Geno thinks that the memorial may be this Friday.

Blake Rylan Grammar was born last night at River Oaks around 7:00. He weighed 5 lb. 14 oz. Pray for Brendy as she cares for Blake by herself.

Joanna & John~
John's grandmother has leukemia and is not doing well. She is not taking chemo because of her diabetic condition.

Demetria & Kevin~
Kevin's mom (Gay) will be having surgery in the morning.

Dan & Jennifer~
Dan's brother, Robbie, is agnostic. Robbie & his wife did have the Christian ceremony when they were married (got married at the justice of the peace). Robbie is 10 years older than Dan.

Brad & Jennilee~
Jennilee is traveling. Brad's brother/sister-in-law are selling everything they have and moving to New Zeland.

Susan & David~
Susan is not feeling well.

Ann Elizabeth~
Her grandfather has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She said that it is pretty much all over his body. Her dad is having a hard time with this.

Clay & Christy~
Laura Grace is at home. They think that this was a relapse of what she went through in March (high fevers, etc.) and that hopefully everything is better now.

His job. Has had an offer for a different position with Regions/AmSouth.

Roger & Wendy~
Friends going through some serious marital problems.

-Peggy Brown~had a heart stint put in
-Larry (friend of Geno & Roger)~is going through a divorce. He did graduate from paramedic school

Juan & Alisha~

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