Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Monday...

O.k. this isn't Geno...he's laying up on the beach soaking up rays (or rain - not sure). This is Suzanne. I have had a blog for our family for several months and enjoy keeping it up, so I told Geno that I will be in charge of our class blog! I've made a few changes to what he had originally done and still have a few more things to do when I get home (this is my lunch hour).

One different thing is that I am going to list prayer requests that were named on Sunday. Throughout the week, if there is something else that needs to be added, send an e-mail to and I can go back and edit the prayer requests. This way, we have 1 list of prayer requsts for each week. Just seems easier.

I am going to add music to the site! I've got a music player on my blog and it's nice to sometimes just sit and listen. SO.....if there are specific songs that you want to hear, send it to the above e-mail address!!

ALSO....several people in the class have blogs. I am going to put a link to those blogs over in the right hand column. So if you have a blog and I don't know it....send an e-mail to the above address!

Hope you all have a great week and I hope that this is a place that you can connect even more with our class!!

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