Thursday, February 21, 2008

What do you think?

o.k. so since NOBODY leaves comments on this (you can leave them anonymous and just put your name at the end of the comment so i know who you are - you don't HAVE to have an account!!!), let's see who all really reads this.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU READ OUR LIFEGROUP BLOG!!!!! if nobody is reading, this isn't exactly a very effective way to get news out, you know? but for us, it's the easiest and quickest way to keep everybody up to date!!!!!



Anonymous said...

I read it

jenny winstead said...

i definitely read it! don't take it away PLeASE!

Anonymous said...

I'm not in this LifeGroup but I still read it!ha!

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

anonymous, who are you? you didn't sign your name! =)

Christy said...


And look forward to reading it after we move so don't take it away!

Anonymous said...

Someone doesn't understand the meaning of "anonymous"

Anonymous said...

We have been in the class for only a few weeks and enjoy the site. Denny and Mindy Cobb

Anonymous said...

We read it!

Brad and Jennilee Rogers

Lori Wyont said...

I read it.

jeremy, adelle, and ella said...

i read it!!

Brie said...

I check it.

Anonymous said...

I do read it and I am trying to read it more often. Please keep posting! Emily

Ashley said...

I'm late responding, but I read!