Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, April 6th and 13th Prayer Requests

Suzanne & Tommy
~knee surgery was friday, april 11th (torn lateral meniscus). it went well. he is just sore, but that is to be expected.

Chasity & Brad
~jude was saved on april 2nd. he will be baptized on april 20th.

Jeff & Emily
~package for jessica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan & Jennifer
~(4/6) jennifer's mom had surgery - the tumor was benign - may have to have treatment
~(4/13) today was their last sunday. they are going to start the move to picayune. also, they have gone to a church in bogaloosa to interview for a youth pastor position and the church wants them to come back next sunday!

Hal & Megan
~hal is going on a mission trip to honduras at the end of may

Adelle & Jeremy
~management development position at adelle's work - she put her application in! also, a chance to have jeremy's tution for his phd paid for!!!

Clay & Christy
~moving this week.

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