Monday, July 28, 2008

Just a few years ago....

FOUR years ago this past may, to be exact, this was most of our lifegroup.


how things change........

The Girls
back: suzanne barnette, jan haas, haley teague
front: holly mccoy, kecia ray, robin holliday, lisa lucas

The Boys
back: tommy barnette, geno lucas, harry holliday
front: corey ray, will haas, neal mccoy, ben teague

The Crew:
back: suzanne and tommy barnette; nathan, geno, lisa, and jonathan lucas
middle: corey and kecia ray; holly and neal mccoy
front: haley, ben, and campbell teague; landon, jan, and will haas; robin, lily, and harry holliday


Lori Wyont said...

WOW!! This seems so long ago.

Lori Wyont said...

BTW I have a pic of the ladies after our first bible study we did. I will email it to you if you want.

Anonymous said...

look how young I looked!!! dang I am OLD