Sunday, January 13, 2008

about what to send jessica...

as all of you who were in lifegroup know, we are planning to send a care package to jessica next week. bring things on sunday, january 20th!

here is what lisa sent me concerning things that they need:

"Speaking of things we need, I have had a few people ask what kind of stuff we need from the church so if you don't mind passing this along:
Shower gel, lotion and body spray (they have absolutely nothing for women here)
ProActive face wash/toner/moisturizer (everyone is broken out)
Cheap-O (wash cloths)
Bath and Body works hand sanitizer (we use a lot of Germ-x)
and of course pictures from the kids

For now that's all I can think of.

Keisha Newsome is having a birthday on 29January and I am trying to do something special for her. Do you know if Peggy can tell you where those cookies came from...Maybe we could get her one that say's "Happy Birthday Keisha" with camouflage? Peggy might enjoy a project like that. I'd also like some birthday hats...I'm trying to make a big deal of it for her because this is her first deployment. So see what your class or mine might like to do. Maybe the kids can make her some birthday cards and I will e-mail them pictures back. She isn't a christian from what I can tell. She see's me reading my Bible every morning before the shift changes and she's asked a few questions about God and War. I'm struggling with how to respond to her so I am letting my actions speak instead of my mouth."

this was from jessica. as big as our LIFEGroup is, there is no reason we should not fill at LEAST 1 box - more if needed! it's such a small way to show support for men and women who are defending our freedoms and ways of life!

and i think that she was writing to her mom about keisha's birthday (the cookies, etc.), but we could also include our own notes to keisha telling her happy birthday. if she isn't a Christian, as jessica thinks, what a great way for us to show her God's love from far away!

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