Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sunday, January 13th Prayer Requests


Jenny & Cory~
jenny's mom's strong chemo starts this week. they find out thursday (17th) what they are having!!!

Brie & TC~
having a GIRL!!!

Bob & Susan~
coworker of bob's - wife possibly has leukemia. another coworker was killed by a drunk driver - the son of the man killed is ordained and did the service

Clay & Christy~
christy is sick with sinus stuff. they are moving to the tupelo area in mid-may. clay will be working with his dad's company.

Jill & Patrick~
jill going back to work on monday (14th)

Lisa & Geno~
michael (lisa's brother) is at boot camp (marines)

Adelle & Jeremy~
adelle went back to work on the 7th - still hard leaving ella!

Shan & Jenny~
praise: avoided wreck! it happened RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM! go to her blog to read all about it....

Emily & Jeff~
custody of children involved in her sister's divorce

Glen & Patsy Castle~
patsy was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma.

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