Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sunday, January 27th Prayer Requests, Etc.

Cory & Jenny~
jenny - 101 fever, sore throat. also, today (sunday) is the last day that she could see her mom for a long time because her mom is about to start all of the prep work for the bone marrow transplant.

Tommy & Suzanne~
cousin, roseann (walker), and her family in the death of her grandmother, rosa hamby. roseann and rivers were sick with the flu and not able to go to the funeral.

Roger & Wendy~
gracia fell hard last saturday night on the tile - looks bad! gracia did get well after a 'bout with the flu. roger flew to florida on monday (28th) and will be back at the end of the week. he is going to see larry while he is there.

Clay & Christy~
christy's sister (amy) has felt her heart "acting up" - she is 12 weeks pregnant. they will start house hunting next weekend. christy had the flu last week. feb 7th is going to be the MS healthy marriage luncheon.

Kris & Lori~
lori's sister is going through a divorce

David & Brandi~
friend in florida with cancer not doing well

Kevin & Demetria~
kaden at home - has a bad cough

Geno & Lisa~
michael (lisa's brother at boot camp) is doing well.

in iraq: jessica spears and michael farhart

Mitch, Susan, and Kyle Boleware~
kara grace passed away jan 23rd - funeral was the 25th at chbc

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