Sunday, October 5, 2008


kim sims still needs people to read to children. if you have time on a friday, please e-mail and i will get the information to you!

this is the book used in the movie Fireproof (which you NEED to go see if you haven't already!). there are books available for purchase at the welcome center or through the education office. the cost is $10 (they are $15 if you buy them at lifeway!)

meets friday mornings from 9:00-11:00 in d201 for breakfast and Bible study. childcare is available!!

october 31st! we will be doing trunk-or-treat again. be ready to bring individually wrapped candy to drop off. we usually have about 300 visitors here - SO - this year, the monday after the fall festival, 100 people are needed to go visit these visitors. contact us at if you would like to help out and were not in lifegroup to sign up!

y'all, really. our goal CHURCHWIDE is 1,000 boxes. the challenge is to do one for each member of your family. if our WHOLE CLASS did this - we'd have 118 boxes just from the adults (i did this from an old class roll - so i figured people who come most of the time - not ones who have moved, etc.). this does not include children! so relaly, we could have about 150 shoeboxes JUST from the lucaslifegroup!!! i can't tell you how much my family enjoys this every year. i CHALLENGE you to do the same!

wednesday nights at 6:00. there are some awesome classes to choose from and it's not too late to jump in!

each sunday in d201 from 5:30-5:50, you can join others in a special time of prayer for our pastor search committee and for the man that God has chosen to serve as pastor of chbc.

a second fall FAITH begins on tuesday, october 14th. for more info, please call the missions and evangelism office.

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