Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday, October 5th Prayer Requests

jenny & cory:
continue to pray for jenny's mom. she got a good report friday!

lori & kris:
lori's mom lost her job a while back and does not have insurance. they are trying to get her on tennessee's version of medicaid. she has diabetes and the insurance is much needed!

brie & t.c.:
brie doesn't have a voice! also, reagan has a rash that keeps coming up and they don't know what it is from! keep brie's mom, susan, in your prayers as david travels driving a big truck

wendy & roger:
there is a little boy harrassing gracia at school (4 yrs old). also, remember the family members/friends of the madison central student who committed suicide.

demetria & kevin:
kaden has severe psoriasis. the canton flea market is this thursday! russ is having an extremely hard time coming to anything at the church - he is in pre-school at chbc.

mary & lee:
mary's brother/sister-in-law are separated.

emily & jeff:
emily's sister (who divorced in december) is getting married this month.

lisa & geno:
the closing on geno's mom's office building is this week. also, lisa's brother is getting married this coming weekend and geno is officiating! lisa's cousin has been diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer.

suzanne & tommy:
tommy's bank - merger (we don't know if it is with citibank or wells fargo!). suzanne's great-aunt - omega marvil - is in the hospital with diverticulitis.

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